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How To Build Your Own Workout


he complete guide to building your own workout. Follow my simple 4 step formula to building the workout perfect for you

Step 1: Pick The Areas You Want To Work

As a rule of thumb if your goal is to lose weight, I'd recommend rooting for a full body workout as you leave taxing the whole body

It's simple maths; work more muscles - burn more calories

For strengthening and toning I'd go for an upper / lower split as this allows you to spend a bit more time stressing the muscle which in turn results in muscular change

But hey, those are just suggestions, we're here to build your workout not mine!

Muscles Groups

  • Legs

  • Back

  • Chest

  • Shoulders

  • Arms

  • Abs

Step 2: Pick Your Exercises

Exercises fall into two brackets: Isolation and compound movements

This just refers to how many joints are moving through the exercise

For example, a bicep curl is an isolation exercise as the only joint moving is the elbow

A squat on the other hand, is a compound exercise as the hips, knees and ankles are all moving

Compound movements burn more calories and stress the body much more effectively than isolation exercises

Think of this like baking a cake; the compound movements make the flour, sugar and eggs and the isolation exercises make the icing topping and pretty decoration on top

Take a pick from the list below or add in your own exercises

10 Body Weight Compound Exercises

  1. Squats

  2. Pressups

  3. Lunges

  4. Pullups (or Inverted rows)

  5. Dips

  6. Sumo Squats

  7. Diamond Pressups

  8. Step ups

  9. Glute Bridge

  10. Bicycle Crunch

8 Isolation Exercises

  1. Bicep Curls

  2. Skullcrushers

  3. Lateral Raises

  4. Calf Raises

  5. Crunches

  6. Tricep Pressdown

  7. Hamstring Curl

  8. Leg Extension

Step 3: Pick The Time or Reps For Each Exercise

For fat loss I tend to use time, as your main concern is getting your heart rate up and moving as much as possible. As you're against the clock you can always speed up or slow down to ensure you finish the set time

For strengthening and toning, reps tend to be a better option as your focus of the session is to stress the muscle as much as possible in a controlled manor

Also by setting reps you can clearly see if you're getting stronger. For example if week one you do 10 reps and week four you do 15, you know you've become stronger

Time / Reps

20-30 seconds: Best for short, intense cardio intervals

40 seconds: Good for tricky resistance movements like static lunges

60 seconds: Good for slow-steady cardio and to keep your heart rate up

6-8 reps: Good for strength movements like pressups

8-12 reps: Best for toning and shaping the muscle

12-15 reps: Good for muscle endurance and ab training

Conclusion: Putting It All Together

Start by picking the muscle groups you wish to work, if you just want to get sweaty and your main focus is loosing weight don't overthink this step

Next pick your exercises and duration / reps - this will come down to how long you've got and current fitness level

Example Fat Loss Workout

Squat jumps - 3 x 45 seconds - 20 second rest

Lunges - 2 x 40 seconds - 30 seconds rest

Dips - 2 x 40 seconds - 30 seconds rest

Star Jumps - 3 x 30 seconds - 20 second rest

Mountain Climbers - 2 x 40 seconds - 20 second rest

Crunches - 2 x 45 seconds - 20 second rest

Example Strength and Toning Workout

Squats - 4 x 15 reps - 45 second rest

Sumo Squats - 3 x 15 reps - 45 second rest

Static Lunges - 2 x 12 reps - 30 second rest

Weighted Glute Bridge - 3 x 15 reps - 30 second rest

Bicycle Crunches - 3 x 20 reps - 20 second rest

Plank - 2 x 40 seconds - 30 seconds rest

If you're looking to get leaner, start feeling better about yourself and get into exercise I've put together a fat loss guide which is you can have for FREE - Just download the guide from my Homepage (:

Thanks for reading,




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