Getting back 2 you
Training programme
ï‚· Pre and post programme consultation
ï‚· Progress checks
ï‚· Weekly 1-2-1 session's
ï‚· fortnightly boxing sessions
ï‚· Fornightly group or 1-2-1 coaching calls
ï‚· Access Will Power Community forum (Support)
ï‚· 24/7 online communication
Develop and understanding of nutrition that works
ï‚· Understand calories and portion sizes so you can improve your health and well- being
Enjoy your love of food and still hit your goals

Lets' Do It
Training programme
Pre and post programme consultation
progress checks
Fortnightly 1-2-1 training sessions
monthly coaching calls
Access Will Power Community forum (Support)
24/7 online communication
Develop and understanding of nutrition that works
ï‚· Understand calories and portion sizes so you can improve your health and well- being
Enjoy your love of food and still hit your goals

The Boxer Package
12 week/ 12 session Boxing programme
ï‚· Improves boxing technique
ï‚· Improves punch power
ï‚· Improves strength and conditioning
ï‚· Improves overall strength and fitness
ï‚· Fun and adaptive sessions
1st 4 sessions- straight shots and uppercuts, improving technique, building small combos.
2nd 4 sessions - incorporating hook and slips, and more complicated combos.
3rd 4 sessions incorporate the duck and weave and bringing body shots into the mix.
At the end of this programme, you will be boxing will have improved and enjoyed the
process!! Let’s go champ!!!!
All session includes cardio and strength circuits, training may be in local parks or
at gym depending on client’s preferences,